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August 7, 2023

There are some great reasons to buy your new kitchen cabinets online instead of at a local cabinet shop or a big box store.

While it’s true that you can walk into a big box store or a local dealer, keep in mind that this convenience comes at a cost. The overhead to provide that local convenience to you, the cost to the company for a showroom, salespeople, rent, etc. is directly reflected in the price you will pay for cabinets. The cost is hidden, buit it’s there. You’ll get lower quality for the same price you might pay for similar cabinets online. In other words, you’ll pay more.

When you buy things online, in almost all cases, you don’t pay sales tax. Same is true with cabinets. The savings on a major purchase like cabinets is big. Say you normally pay 8% sales tax in your local area. If you purchase $15,000 worth of cabinets that adds TWELVE HUNDRED DOILLARS to your cost.

Here is another factor to consider: there are THOUSANDS of companies selling cabinets online. Some are terrible. Many are good. We like to consider ourselves excellent because we provide true customer service, fabulous design and designers, and beautiful quality cabinets our clients love.

You might prefer the convenience of a local showroom. It’s easier than ordering sample doors or cabinets from an online supplier. But if you prefer to invest in better quality for your dollar, purchasing your cabinets online is best for the consumer in almost every case.

A generation or two ago there were mom and pop csbinet shopw in some cities and towns. But now it is mostly big box stores, Home Depot, Lowes, Ikea. Most of their products are manufactured overseas. The employee you work with gets commissions and hasn’t got the responsibility level, the care level, you can find online. You might have to experience the difference to see this, but it’s true anyway.

If you are concerned that you will need help or parts and local is better, see if this is factual. Kitchens are complicated projects and you might find yourself arguing with a return desk employee or waiting for months to get parts. IF you do look online, find out how the site deals with problems after the sale.

We handle such things for clients, say one who wants something extra after delivery or who needs a warranty handled. There is no waiting ona line or waiting for a reply. We are responsible.

I am biased. But I also know that you will get a better product for a better price online,

Brilliant design. Elegant cabinets.

We can help you create the kitchen
of your dreams.