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Special Needs Kitchens

Special Needs Kitchens

March 18, 2022

Because our cabinet line allows for custom sies and because it is built to order per the specs of the kitchen designs we do, creating a wonderful kitchen for a special needs family is very doable for us.

Each kitchen we design is unique and should provide for the specific needs of the homeowner and the family and friends of the homeowner as well.

The key to any great kitchen layout that perfectly suits the users, is lots and lots of communicstion with the designer during the design phase. The kitchen is for you, not for the designer after all!

Kitchens for seniors, those with disabilities, those in wheelchairs, and any person who is simply not comfortable or not served by the typical or average arrangement and placement of kitchen components simply needs a custom design.

Once you have worked out the details in two dimensions, your designer will create a list of the items and sizes of items needed. We send this list to the factory that advises and quotes on the list.

Creating a unique kitchen for a client is a creative and sometimes mathematically challenging job. We love it! Clients who need a kitchen designed to serve a person with unique challenges is fun. It does require more input from our client and perhaps some extra confirmation of measurements and other specs. But it’s not difficult and the results can be just as wonderful, as aesthetic and as functional as any other kitchen we do.

I would not label a unique kitchen a handicap kitchen or a kitchen for a disabled person. I’d csll it a unique kitchen that serves the needs of the homeowner. Every kitchen should be this way. Every kitchen design should aim for beauty and functionality, within a budget, for the specific family and use for which it is designed.

Brilliant design. Elegant cabinets.

We can help you create the kitchen
of your dreams.