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Still the Best Alternative to IKEA kitchen cabinets

Still the Best Alternative to IKEA kitchen cabinets

March 20, 2022

Years ago, we designed kitchens for homeowners who planned to buy IKEA cabinets. We then found a factory that could provide to our clients muich nicer cabinets within the same price range. It was a no-brainer to design for this line. Eventually, we stopped the IKEA design work because of the limitations and weaknesses of the IKEA product.

First, as kitdchen designers, we love the fact that our built-to-order cabinets can be customized. This is a much bigger factor, in terms of design, than you might think. We don’t usually use more than one or two custom sizes in a layout, but these can make a big difference in the finished look. So, our MFK line, 1. IKEA 0.

Why can’t you customize IKEA cabinets? The IKEA system is a fiberboard box and MDF doors of various colors and finishes. The doors are made overseas and come in stock sizes only. Because of the finish on the doors, they cannot be cut which means your cabinets are not customizable.

Our line, hownever, is built to order and if you need a 14.75 inch wide cabinet, that is what you order. If you want 39″ tall wall cabinets, you can have them. If you need a panel of a particular width or even finished on both sides (NOT available at IKEA), we can do that. Again, built-to-order versus stock MDF parts.

There is another huge difference. Quality. Sturdinmess. As compared to the wobbly IKEA boxes you assemble yourself, our boxes are wood, fully assembled at the factory. Assembled cabinets might increase your shipping cost, but will lower your installation cost.

Contractors love our cabinets. Quality, easy to install, all parts come the size you need. Added to that, our design work includes notes to the contractor, as needed.

These days there is a warning on the IKEA website in regard to AVAILABILITY of their kitchen cabinets. LOTS of items are backordered and it could be 6 momths or more until they are in stock. Their suggestion is not to start removing your old kitchen or lining up a contractor until you have all your kitchen parts. This is a very challenging, if not impossible, way to plan a kitchen remodel.

Now, let’s talk price, which is the bottom line for most homeowners choosing products for a remodel. Cabinets are likely to be your biggest purchase. IKEA cabinets all have the same fiberboard boxes, but the doors are different. At any particular time they might offer about 10 different door styles. These change over the years. The door style is the determining factor as to the cost of an IKEA kitchen. You get the same cabinets, same quality, spending $15,000 as you do spending $6000. This doesn’t seem quite right but it is that way.

Our line? Fits right into that range of IKEA cabinets (door style the determining factor as to price)! Our quality line, wood boxes, preassembled, soft closers built in, customizable, cost more than some in the IKEA line, but less than others.

Why would anyone choose a lower quality product? IKEA is a huuuuge international company. we’ve all heard of it. In some cities there is a brick and mortar store within 30 miles. So when it comes to buying cabinets, when we like modern, euro styling, we go to IKEA.

Now, you CAN create a nice kitchen with IKEA cabinets. Your color choices are limited and paying so much for a particular door style makes no sense to us. But still, there are many thousands of nice IKEA kitchens around.

But do you want cheap fiberboard csbinets when for the same moneh, in many cases, you can have quality?

We highly recommend you look past what IKEA offers for your purchase. Sure, they are familiar and the kitchens are pretty nice. It’s just that they are not nearly as nice, nor a high quality as they could be.

Finally, PLEASE don’t use free online software to design a new kitchen. Pay a bit for a professional.

I am biased, for sure, but our design services as well as our cabinet line are the best value around.

Brilliant design. Elegant cabinets.

We can help you create the kitchen
of your dreams.